Precision Transformer Laminations
Industries & Applications
From initial transformer lamination production in 1927 to serve the infant radio industry, Thomas & Skinner’s EI Transformer Lamination operation led the way pioneering large three-phase, wide-window and thin-gauge laminations. From thin (4 to 6 mil) laminations to Orthosil squared hysteresis loop silicon iron alloys, the current product line comprises the largest size range available from any manufacturer.
The pioneer in developing EI transformer laminations including three phase, wide window and “thin gauge”.
First to offer oriented transformer laminations (orthosil) in .004″, .006″ and .014″ thicknesses.
First and only manufacturer to offer the new super orthosil .007”, .009” and .011” thick EI laminations with higher permeability and lower core losses than standard oriented laminations.
The broadest range of transformer laminations including ei sizes, three phase, ferroresonant, cruciform, wide window, centra-gap, vari-gap, ui, and shunts and i-strips.
Quick turn around on all items as well as customer designed prototypes.
The quality leader in electrical characteristics and flat, burr free laminations.

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Contact Us
- 1120 East 23rd St.
Indianapolis, IN 46205 - 317.923.2501
- 317.923.5919